AIM Rule 26

This information is being disclosed to comply with the requirements of Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies - 'Company Information Disclosure', the company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the Takeover Code). Last updated 18 December 2023.

Description of the business:

  • Please click here for a description of the business

Board of Directors:

  • Please click here for the names of the directors and biographical detail

Board Committees:

  • Please click here for the details of Board Committees

Country of incorporation and main country of operation:

  • Ilika Plc is incorporated in England (Company Number 7187804) which is also its main country of operation.

Documents and Announcements:

The company is listed on the Alternative Investment Market.

  • Please click here for details of the latest prices
  • Please click here for details of the latest news
  • The Company is not listed on any other exchanges or trading platforms.

Number of securities in issue:

  • The number of shares in issue is 167,303,091 No shares are held in treasury and therefore 100% of issued shares are deemed to be in public hands.

Restrictions on the transfer of shares:

  • There are no restrictions on the transfer of our securities. 

Corporate Governance:

  • Please click here for details of our Corporate Governance.

Advisers and Analysts:

  • Please click here for details of our Advisers and Analysts.